During the summer of 2023, I spent a month studying videography at Florence University of the Arts. There is a rich history that engulfs the city, with countless galleries showing breathtaking work and details within the architecture that tell stories.
Whilst there I was introduced to 'Festina Lente', Latin for 'hasten slowly'. It's a reminder to find a balance between speed and quality - completing work to a good quality in good time. The symbol for this is a tortoise with a wind-filled sail on his back. 
I experienced this harmonious balance of Festina Lente. The pace of life was slower, with a greater focus on food, and socialising. This time allowed me to notice and observe the world around me. I found myself captivated by the quality of light and how I could capture it.

My Florence Journal
I am an avid diary user. Larger than A6, smaller than A5, this notebook came everywhere with me, doodling, noting and mounting each thought-feeling and thing I saw. A diary to me is imperfection, it's where all my loose ends become tethered. 
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